Introducing our new review listing system
In an attempt to make our website an even better place for you, our readers, we’ve updated our review system. In the past, loading the reviews were a little on the slow side. Due to the number of images and just the sheer amount of reviews we have on the site. So we’ve come up with a new way for you to read through them all.
Heading over to the reviews now, we’ve added a listing system. In this new system, you’ll be able to sort through several different criteria; Name, Platform, Score, Genre, Developer, Manufacturer and several others. With this new system, it will be easier for you to find exactly what you’re looking for, or just to see how many reviews we have on store for a specific platform. Want to see just Nintendo Switch reviews, well now you can. Want to see how many fighting games we reviewed? You can do that now as well.
These changes have been made to the following review sections:
However, if you still want to see the old reviews, that is still accessible. You’ll just have to search for them via the search bar. Hopefully, this change makes your experience here at The Outerhaven, a little better. And should you encounter any issues, please contact us and explain the issue you noticed.
Thanks for making us one of your homes on the internet for video game and geek culture news! We really appreciate it!
— Management