After Paramount pulled the sixth Transformers film from their schedule, they kept hope alive by announcing a movie centered around Bumblebee. The film looks to take viewers back to the 1980’s, which means this film will serve as sort of a prequel to the franchise. The trailer shows Bumblebee accidentally forming a friendship with a woman named Charlie (played by Hailee Steinfeld).
WWE Superstar John Cena also appears in the trailer as he plays the part of Agent Burns, thus marking his much-awaited heel turn!
The trailer does feel a bit off, however. There seems to be missing a lot of the action and signature humor that the films have been known for thus far. It certainly is a detraction from the norm for the series but this could be the breath of fresh air that the series needs. Time will tell if this different approach will be successful or not.
The plot of Bumblebee is described as follows:
On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee the Autobot seeks refuge in a junkyard in a small California beach town. Charlie, on the brink of turning 18 years old and trying to find her place in the world, soon discovers the battle-scarred and broken Bumblebee. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen.
Official Trailer