We here at the Outerhaven want you to know us not only for our passions surrounding gaming, tech, television, movies, anime, manga, etc. Every week we’re going to deliver to you a list of videos we have been checking out while cyberloafing the internet. It gives you a chance to see another side of us, one that isn’t focused on covering the latest news or reviews.
While this list will be largely safe for work, we must warn against things that may incite any phobias that you may have. Enjoy!
Liz’s Pick:
Before you go off and say this is perfectly normal… I studied linguists for a hot minute and it’s been determined that it can take a decade or more to lose native proficiency of a language you grew up with. This is baffling…
Sara’s Pick:
Lesson learned guys, appreciate comedy pop culture shows while they are still here. Case in point, this series called “Zack Morris is Trash” which looks at the insulting, degrading, and downright stupid shit that Zack Morris from
‘Saved By The Bell’ does. This episode was the season 1 finally and season 2 is well on the way, so give it a watch, shake your head at the stupid that was the 1980s, and get your laughs in while you can.
Keith’s Pick:
A while back, Nvidia purposed a program (GeForce Partner Program) that would basically force anyone who joined up to only produce Nvidia branded cards. Meaning if that company also sold AMD-based GPU’s, they could no longer do so. This caused the manufacturers and their fans to get pissy with Nvidia. Only after much public outcry and media attention did Nvidia finally decide to drop this crappy program.
Good riddance to anti-competitive policies!
Will’s Pick:
I love my share of magic tricks. Naturally, you got to know of David Blaine and his insane tricks of the trade. When demonstrating to Trevor Noah, even I wince at the aspect of having an ice pick through the hand. Plus the reaction is a bonus too. Try not to wince.
Josh’s Pick:
This actually started out pretty funny, then got pretty dark but still funny. This video truly shows the magical power possessed by all Asians!
Todd’s Pick:
James’s Pick:
A must watch for World of Warcraft fans or anyone who has at least a passing interest in the most successful MMO of all time.
Ara’s Pick:
SpotMini is learning to navigate! It’s cool to see this robot develop over time, and this is the most recent update.
That’s all for week’s roundup. Tune back in next week to see what we are sharing next!