Capcom is partnering with IAm8Bit to re-release Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X on the NES and SNES respectively in celebration of Mega Man‘s 30th anniversary. These carts are not gimmicked and are actual working NES and SNES carts! They are in limited supply with only 8500 each being made. The Mega Man X carts come in two different colors: opaque white and glow-in-the-dark blue while the Mega Man 2 carts come in cyan as well as the glow-in-the-dark blue. Only 1000 in each of the 8500 lots will be the special glow-in-the-dark blue color and each box is completely randomized so not even Capcom can tell you which box contains which color cart.
Both Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X will contain a dual-fold box with special foil, gloss, and embossments, a premium instruction booklet that contains a foreward by author Salvatore Pane, and retro pack-in surprises (none of which were detailed).
The price tag is a little steep; however, with each title looking to set you back by $100. You can check out images of the special edition carts below
Mega Man 2
Mega Man X
In addition to the images, IAm8Bit and Capcom have released a short teaser trailer for the special edition carts!
You can head over to IAm8Bit to place your pre-order today. The carts are expected to begin shipping in September.