Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim began streaming a new trailer for the upcoming FLCL Progressive anime. FLCL, which hasn’t aired since March 2001, announced last year that a second and a third season were being created. Each new season will contain six episodes just like the original run of the show. FLCL Progressive is set to premiere on June 2 at 12:00 a.m EDT / PDT (or if you want to get technical June 3) during their Toonami block.
Adult Swim describes the anime as follows:
FLCL Progressive tells the story of 14-year-old Hidomi, her classmate Ide, and two otherworldly beings, “Jinyu” and “Haruha Raharu,” who are determined to unlock their hidden potential. Mixed up in this is an all-powerful force known as “ATOMSK,” a gorgeous vintage car… and a certain Vespa Scooter.
FLCL Alternative, the third season in the series, is slated for September of this year. In Japan, the anime will be given theatrical screenings. While it is unknown what day in September the third season will air in the U.S., the screenings will take place in Japan on September 7.
The English trailer for Progressive can be viewed below.