The Ace Attorney franchise is one that continues to defy expectations. The visual novel mystery franchise has evolved greatly since its opening days on the GBA and the DS (depending on the region you were in). By the time it reached the 3DS, the series had reached even greater heights. And now, Capcom is preparing the first ever console version of the game, coming exclusively to the Nintendo Switch.
In a chat with 4Gamer, producer Motohiro Eshiro noted this about the franchise:
“I believe we’ll continue working on something that will make Ace Attorney series fans happy. We’re also currently coming up with a new title, so personally speaking I think it’ll be a challenging year.”
It will be challenging indeed, as the series has expectations in some regards, and the fact that the series is coming to console for the first time adds even more pressure. Plus, it’s apparently be coming out in 2018, which means they don’t have a long time to get things done if so.
Regardless, we can’t wait to see what Capcom does with the Switch version of the game. We hope it’s just as grand, epic, and hilarious as previous entries.
While you wait, check out our lists for the Best Characters In the Series, the Best Prosecutors, and of course, how we ranked the Ace Attorney games.