While I was getting the grill together and getting ready to get my cook on, I noticed an interesting thread over at NeoGAF. In the thread, a user noticed that Best Buy had a SKU in their system for the upcoming Gundam Versus title. However, this SKU was for a digital download for Windows. Which of course led to the speculation that perhaps Gundam Versus will be released for Windows/Steam.
Sadly, that isn’t to be, at least from what I understand. During my time at E3 2017, I had a lengthy conversation with several members of Bandai Namco regarding Gundam Versus. I asked if we’d see the title on any other platforms and the answer was a resounding no. They went on to state that getting Gundam Versus released in North American was a small miracle and that powers that be at Bandai Namco wasn’t even sure that the title would do well here. Compared to other anime, Dragon Ball, in particular, Gundam has been in a decline in the West. Granted, there are several reasons for that, but I won’t go into to that here. They’re watching the title very closely as they don’t want to support a game that isn’t being sold or played.
I asked them multiple times about a Windows release, to which they said it simply wasn’t happening. That said, I’d imagine that could change if Gundam Versus does exceptionally well on the PS4 in North America. While I’m really hoping for a Windows/Steam version, I wouldn’t hold my breath for Gundam Versus releasing on anything but the PS4. At least, not until the game gets it’s North American release date and the sale figures come in.
Gundam Versus releases on July 6th in Japanese, while the North American release date isn’t until September 29th. If you can’t wait that long, PS4 is region-free, so there’s always that.