It’s been an interesting time in Fire Emblem Heroes recently. We just had a Cleric Voting Gauntlet, we’re still deep into the 2nd ever Tempest Trials, and there’s been a lot of interesting Focus Groups for summoning that have had either odd choices or feature summertime characters. But tomorrow, things get back to normal! As TWO new groups are bringing in six new characters total.
As if to coincide with the Tempest Trails and certain special maps we’ve gotten recently, these new Focus Groups are based in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and focus on characters that were in either Alm’s army, or Celica’s army.
First up, for Alm, we have Mathilda, Grey, and Delthea.
Then, for Celica, you have Leon, Saber, and Sonya.
Naturally, these characters will come alongside a new story chapter where you have to face them. Which should give you more of a chance to get them via getting more Orbs. Plus! There’s going to be a special 10-orb bonus tomorrow! So Fire Emblem Heroes is definitely something you’re going to want to do tomorrow.