Announced tonight at the Bethesdaland E3 event was the worst kept secret for Bethesda: The Evil Within 2. After being spoiled by a job posting and then an advertising leak on NeoGaf, we now have an official trailer to ask questions about. You can view the trailer below:
From mastermind Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within 2 takes the acclaimed franchise to a new level with its unique blend of psychological thrills and true survival horror.
The Evil Within 2 official write up tells us about the upcoming horror title:
Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost everything, including his daughter, Lily. To save her, he is forced to partner with Mobius, the shadowy organization responsible for the destruction of Sebastian’s former life. Sebastian must descend into one of their terrible creations, the disturbing world of Union. Horrifying threats emerge from every corner, and he must rely on his wits to survive. For his last chance at redemption, the only way out is in.
In a press release sent out to media, Bethesda had the following selling points for The Evil Within 2:
- STORY OF REDEMPTION. Sebastian must descend into the nightmare to win back his life and family.
- DISCOVER HORRIFYING DOMAINS. Explore as far or quickly as you dare through a world where nothing is quite what it seems, though be sure to prepare wisely.
- CHOOSE HOW TO SURVIVE. Attack from the shadows with the crossbow, run like hell, or go in guns blazing with very limited ammo.
- FACE DISTRUBING ENEMIES. Survive encounters with sadistic enemies and meet characters who may lead – or mislead – you on your path to redemption.
- VISCERAL HORROR AND SUSPENSE. Enter a twisted world filled with anxiety-inducing thrills and disturbing horrors around every corner.
So it’s safe to say that you need to have a few extra pairs of underpants available for this one. The Evil Within 2 will be released on Friday October 13, 2017 on Xbox One, Playstation 4 & PC. Keep checking out The Outerhaven for more on this game and many others during the week of E3 2017. And look, pretty screenshots too!