The Power Rangers franchise has a long history, with its 24th anniversary taking place this coming August. With a new adaptation of the Super Sentai series on Nickelodeon, and a new string of comics from BOOM! Studios, Lionsgate and Saban have sweetened the pot with a brand new movie, rebooting the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
Since the trailers started debuting, the reaction has been quite polarizing, with old school fans decrying a lot of the changes to the story and those who weren’t fans being genuinely interested in the movie.
As of today’s writing, Rotten Tomatoes has the Power Rangers movie sitting at a 44% rating, which places it on the ‘Rotten’ side of things. Here are some excerpts from some of the top reviews on RT:
Andy Webster, New York Times:
Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times:
Lindsey Bahr, Associated Press:
Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly (B+):
Set your expectations low enough and you might just be entertained.
Justin Lowe, Hollywood Reporter:
David Ehrlich, indieWire (C-):
A mega-budget reboot that’s embarrassed of the TV show it’s bringing to the big screen.
Rafer Guzman, Newsday (1/4):
Brian Lowry, CNN:
We’re currently working on our review of Power Rangers and we’ll have that up just in time for the debut! Tell us how you feel about Power Rangers in the comments below!
Power Rangers hits theatres on March 24, 2017.