Hidetaka Suehiro, more commonly known as SWERY, has recently announced the opening of his newest studio, White Owls Inc:
DAY437. Finally I opened my own studio "White Owls Inc" in Osaka. I can say "I AM BACK!!". #whiteowls #SweryIsBackhttps://t.co/SqKZ9Y6Ztr pic.twitter.com/EkEgVtBTAR
— Hidetaka SWERY SueHERO (@Swery65) January 16, 2017
SWERY, more recently known for his latest game with Microsoft, D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die, recently took a health-related break from game development due to reactive hypoglycemia. He also announced his departure from Access Games this past October.
On the studio’s website, Suehiro penned the following statement:
Hello,and nice to meet you. I’m the president and CEO of White Owls, SWERY.
White Owls is a small development company that was born in Osaka on November 1, 2016. Our slogan is “From Osaka to all of YOU around the World,” and we’re working day and night to create completely unique things that no one’s ever seen before.
Deep meaning exists in the name ‘White Owls.’
In Ancient Greece, owls were called sages of the forest, and thought to be servants of Athena (Minerva), the goddess of wisdom.
Their eyes can pierce the darkness, and their ears can hear sound in 3D. Their wings allow them to silently catch their prey, and their powerful claws can effortlessly tear through even the toughest of bodies. There is also an Albino species of owl clad in sheer white fur which possesses an especially mystical quality.
We at White Owls hope to keep growing until we can someday evolve into a similar type of mystical entity.
We’ve only barely taken our first breath, but we hope you’ll keep an eye on us as we embark along our journey.
Jan. 16, 2017
Congratulations to Mr. Suehiro, and here’s to many more great titles from White Owls Inc.