Our buddies over at Yacht Club Games have just announced that Shovel Knight will make it’s Nintendo Switch debut. Both original Shovel Knight and the upcoming Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, will be available on the Nintendo Switch. There’s a catch as the Shovel Knight that we all know is getting replaced. In its place is a new game, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.
But what exactly is Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove? Yacht Club Games describes it as Shovel Knight, with the ability to purchase each of their new campaigns separately, as stand-alone games.
Soon, the game you now know as Shovel Knight will become Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. When that happens, you’ll also have new options to purchase each campaign as separate, standalone games on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC/Mac/Linux, and Nintendo Switch. Body Swap Mode is complete and will be included for Shovel Knight’s campaign!!
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope – Shovel of Hope is our new name for the original Shovel Knight game, since it needed a title like the others. What do you think!?
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows – Plague Knight’s Campaign emerges from the Shadows to hopefully get some recognition this time!
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment – Specter of Torment is our most expansive campaign yet. We’re so excited for you to become the reaper!
Shovel Knight: King Knight’s Campaign – A crazy campaign with the gilded goob himself!
All owners of Shovel Knight on all platforms will automatically own Shovel Knight:Treasure Trove instead and will continue to get each of the planned free campaigns and features via updates. It will work exactly like how Shovel Knight was updated to include its first campaign addition, Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Don’t worry!
But that’s not all, as they’ve also announced that all versions (with the exception of the PS Vita and 3DS) will get a co-op adventure mode and a 4-player PVP multiplayer mode. Originally, the co-op mode was exclusive to the Wii U version of Shovel Knight. But this new PVP mode is brand spanking new!
Finally!! After many requests! Grab a friend and rejoice! Local two player co-op in Shovel Knight’s campaign is coming as a free update to all console and PC platforms (3DS/Vita not included)
Shovel Knight: Battle Mode – Duel with up to 4 players as your favorite heroic or villainous knight! (3DS/Vita not included)
Lastly, Yacht Club Games has announced that the Body Swap mode that they’ve been teasing is complete and will be released with the Specter of Torment campaign. This is set to be released during Spring 2017!
Body Swap Mode is complete and will be included for Shovel Knight’s campaign!! Get ready for sprites and illustrations of all-new designs for body-swapped versions of the main characters as the release draws closer. To get you primed, here’s your first look at body-swapped Shovel Knight and Shield Knight!!
Something seems off with Shield Knight I just cant tell what
That’s some pretty exciting stuff, to say the least. Can’t wait to try out the campaign mode with a friend, that should be interesting.
Keith has been a fan of geek culture and video games ever since his father gifted him his first gaming console many decades ago and has used this love of for the genres to start The Outerhaven. Keith keeps follows on the ongoings of videogames, anime, comics and technology, and while he has been writing about these topics for the past 14 years, he has been a gamer and tech guy for 30 years.