So, let me get this right. Resident Evil 7 was available for purchase on PS4, Xbox One and PC, on the same day. Yet, the first DLC, Banned Footage Volume 1, is only available for the PS4 right now? PC and Xbox One owners have to wait until February 21st, which is nearly the end of the month? What the literally fuck is this?
Yes, I know it was announced during PSX 2016. It doesn’t mean that I nor the rest of the community agree with it.
I was fine with the whole VR situation since the game was built around the PS4 and PSVR. Not to mention that the Xbox One doesn’t have any VR and the PC offerings are too expensive at the moment. Yet, to deny the gamers who put down their cash for your game. On the same day as everyone else, mind you, only to be forced to wait for nearly a month. While PS4 owners already have played it, beaten it and put videos on YouTube? That’s not fair and as a consumer and gamer, I’m really tired of this practice.

If you want to keep doing timed exclusive stuff, you might as well make the entire game timed exclusive. And yes, I’m aware of other games (Destiny, Call of Duty) that do this, but it doesn’t make the situation any better. Sure, I’m likely preaching to the choir, yet I feel I have to get this off my chest. I just wish that game company really didn’t continue to do this stuff, regardless of system.
In the end, all it does is frustrate the very people that support these games in the first place.
*Not a fan exclusive 3rd party content, timed or not and on any platform.*