While there’s a really decent System Shock Remastered Edition being worked on, fans of the series have been wondering if there would ever be a part three. Myself included, I loved both original System Shock titles during my young gaming days. Initially, there was rumbling about the game actually going into production, but nothing since then.
Well, looks like we won’t have to wonder anymore as Otherside Entertainment has announced that development of System Shock 3 has officially started. Fans of the original games will also happy to see that several people (Paul Neurathm, Tim Stellmach, Nate Wells, Doug Church) that worked on the previous titles are also present on the new development team. Alongside them are Warren Spector (Deus Ex), Jason Huges (Wing Commander), Sheldon Pacotti (Deus Ex). In addition, the original voice actor of that out of control AI SHADON, Terri Brosius, will also make a return to reprise her role in System Shock 3.
For more info on System Shock 3, be sure to check out a new article that Polygon posted. A good read if you’re wanting to see what’s new regarding the game as well as some quotes from Warren Spector about what is in store for the follow-up and what we can expect and more.
Finally! I’ve been waiting for this! See, some games can count to three after all!