Hey, look at that. Comcept and Deep Silver have put out a new trailer for Mighty No. 9. When was the last time we saw one of those? Anyway, we all know the story by now, and we’re still pretty salty that this game has taken as long as it has to be released. Still, it is a bit refreshing to see something regarding Mighty No. 9, even if it is just a trailer. Let’s just hope the delays were worth it, because the world needs their Mega Man fix and we’ve been praying that Mighty No. 9 is the answer.
In this new trailer, entitled “Masterclass”, we’re treated to the mechanics of Beck, along with a corny narrator who gives us the run down. I mean, who the heck says things like “Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night,” or “I know you like that combo on combo action. What the hell does that even mean?
I guess we’ll find out come June 21, 2016. Assuming the game doesn’t get pushed back at the last second.