Following the unfortunate passing of Satoru Iwata this July 2015, Nintendo has selected their new president to lead the company, Tatsumi Kimishima. This news was announced earlier this morning and there is already some talk about the choice of Nintendo’s, regarding the performance and ability of Tatsumi Kimishima and his ability to steer the company in the right direction.
And while this is something that no one can forecast, Kimishima-san has had some prior experience as he did serve as the president of Nintendo of America for several years (2002-2006). However, Nintendo fans will recognize those years as the era of the Gamecube, which is widely considered a failure among Nintento platforms and to this day still leaves some lingering thoughts about the system that could have been.
Nintendo also made several changes and has created a new title of “Creative Fellow” for Shigeru Miyamoto.
Congratulations Kimishima-san, you definitely have some big shoes to fill and we are eager to see what direction you take with the company.
Source: ABC News