“Unlight” is an online game which can be played on Facebook. Unlight has been released in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, France and Thailand. With over two million fans enjoying the game everyday, Unlight is one of the most popular Facebook games. Unlight has beautiful graphics and an array of characters who are just as beautiful.
In the battle, attack and defense are turn based. You will use an action card to choose if you want your character to attack, defend or move. There are the numbers and effects on action cards which include the type of attacks you can play as well as the type of movement you can make. When you attack or defend, a player rolls dice that correlate the number on the action cards and the total amount on dice equals the strength of your attack or defense.
Unlight is an online card battle and roll playing game that’s free to play. You can play Unlight at https://apps.facebook.com/unlight_fr/ and check out the official Unlight page at http://game.gloczusapp.com/unlight/. Unlight has also won the Web Page Game Gold Prize of Game Star 2014 in Taiwan.