Typhoon Noruda (Taifu no Noruda) is an upcoming anime film by the new anime studio Studio Colorido. The movie is about a group of boys who meet a mysterious girl the night before a typhoon damages their school during their cultural festival.
The director of the film is a relative newcomer to the industry, Yojiro Arai. He is a former member of Studio Ghibli where he has worked on From Up on Poppy Hill and The Wind Rises. The theme song for the movie will be “Arashi no Ato de” by Galileo Galilei, who has composed the song to melodically and lyrically match the story of the movie. Yuki Ozaki from Galileo Galilei provided an official statement regarding the song:
“It’s a great honor to be offered the role of theme song artist for Typhoon Noruda. The setting of the film is simple and universal, and the director gave specific requests. I feel like I was able to assemble the image of the song in my head after being shown the storyboards. Two people fighting in a downpour under a roofed bus stop. I wrote the song while picturing that. I was also very particular about the recording, and I certainly want everyone to hear it through the big speakers of a theater.”
-Yuki Ozaki (Galileo Galilei)
This film is already receiving a lot of buzz from the Japanese media. It will debut on June 5, 2015 in Japan and will be screened concurrently with director Ishida’s Hinata no Aoshigure, which takes a look at the feelings of elementary school boys and girls. This will mark Ishida’s debut into the anime film industry.
Here is the official trailer for Typhoon Noruda: