Hayao Miyazaki, the legendary anime director responsible for amazing films such as Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and most recently, The Wind Rises, is in Los Angeles to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. While in Los Angeles, Miyazaki made an announcement that was sure to make fans of anime very happy!
“I’m going to continue making anime until I die.”
Miyazaki announced on September 1, 2013, that The Wind Rises would be his final film sending him into retirement; however, with this latest statement, Miyazaki will continue doing what he loves most, but don’t count on it being another full-length feature film.
Miyazaki is working on an animated short that will be displayed in the Saturn Theater located inside of Studio Ghibli’s museum, which was confirmed on November 8, 2014.
“I like creating stories and drawing pictures. Not having to worry about whether it will be a financial success or not is a big plus.” said Miyazaki after issuing a statement confirming that planning had begun for the animated short in which he was at the helm of.
Miyazaki also has an untitled manga series in the works about samurai in Japan’s warring states era. Whether or not Miyazaki will continue to make anime for television is up in the air, but right now, he’s still drawing and still continuing to produce animated works, even if they are for projects on a smaller scale.
Even if it is just an animated short for the Studio Ghibli museum, it has his fans excited knowing that it will be worth the long wait!