So now that the Apple iPhone 6 is finally legit, I just wanted to say my piece on it and leave it at that. I’m not a fan of Apple products, I never have and chances are I never will be and I’m ok with it. On that note I was a fan of Steve Job, the man was a damned genius (No pun intended) and I understand where he came from when he spoke of technology among other things. So I have to wonder what in the hell would Stevie be thinking about the iPhone 6 right about now.
Think about it for a second. Anyone who knew anything about Jobs would know that he thought that the iPhone had the perfect format and the perfect screen size. Now while I beg to disagree I do hate to see things that someone worked their ass off for to become an object of ridicule. That said I’d wonder what he would think about the iPhone 6 Plus and it’s huge (Pun intended) 5.5 inch screen. I suppose that’s exactly why there are two different models so that Apple can simply fall back with some excuse. Sure it doesn’t matter either here or there about what I think about the iPhone 6 and I’m sure that I’ll have my fair share of conversations with iPhone users (Lovers?) who will debate/argue with me and that’s fine. I just feel that the iPhone is part of Steve Job’s legacy and love or hate the man I feel that things that he was passionate about shouldn’t be altered too much. Steve is probably rolling over in his grave right now, well he would be if he wasn’t already been doing so for the past 2 years. What do you think about the iPhone 6 Plus? Are you happy that Apple finally stepped up to a larger screen or not?
Images courtesy of PS… Yes I do quite enjoy my Android devices. Viva La Android!