Nintendo has announced that Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire is to receive Limited Edition benefits as well as pre-order extras to celebrate the release of the next additions to the Pokémon series on the 28th of November. The Limited Edition comes with a steelbook to keep your games safe from any other trainers trying to beat you in battle. The steelbook includes the artwork of either Primal Groudon for Omega Ruby, or Primal Kyogre for Alpha Sapphire, though inside the box contains both Pokémon meeting face to face in an epic battle of artwork. Sadly, these amazing pieces are only being sold to Europe as far as I know, if things change I’ll make sure to keep you guys updated!
– People pre-ordering the Limited Edition from the Official Nintendo UK website will receive a Legendary figurine of either Primal Groudon, or Primal Kyogre (Based on what game you pick.) This is an ideal accessory for all you Pokémon loving fans out there!
– As an alternative, pre-ordering the stand-alone game from, well GAME, will also nab you the Legendary figurine if you’re feeling like getting it from somewhere else.
– One last place pre-order from is ShopTo.net, this will get you a nice little 2-D Torchic keyring, but sadly no figurine. (However I’m sure this site ships to other countries, so you might be able to get your hands on it if you’re not from Europe.)
Overall, a nice little bonus, I’m not sure on the prices yet, and the figurines I’ve seen from the image above are kind of off-putting. They kind of look like something you’d get from a Happy Meal at McDonalds, but I’ve fallen in love with the Steelbook and that’s enough for me! Let’s just hope Nintendo are feeling generous with their pricing on this.
And yet again you wonderful people,
Rock On!