We all know that both Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Marvel vs Capcom 3 are being pulled from both PlayStation Network (Already removed) and Xbox Live for some reason or another. However it isn’t all doom and gloom as you can now pick up this gem for a steal.
From now until December 26th, 2013 you can purchase Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on Xbox Live for $5.09 and many of the additional DLC from $.99 to $4.99. A bonus is that the two additional characters from Marvel vs. Capcom 3; Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath are available for $1.49 a piece.
Also note that not only is UMVC3 and MVC3 being removed but also Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which can be picked up for $3.74! So if you ever wanted either of these award winning fighting games, you best get them now since once they’re gone, they’re gone for good.