Yeah, I know it’s EA‘s online distribution service and sure it’s had it’s fair share of issues and complaints since it’s conception but let’s be 100% honest here, so has steam. However I recently noticed something that I feel is a game changer for Origin and oddly enough I haven’t seen announcements regarding their recent changes and if there was an announcement then I completely missed it.
EA’s “The Great Game Guarantee” is a service that will let you return EA digital games for both PC and Mac platforms that are purchased via Origin for a full refund as long as it’s within 24 hours of launch of a game or 7 days from initial purchase. So basically Origin will allow you to purchase a game and if you don’t like it you are able to return it for a full refund and this my friends is huge.
As far as I can tell this is for both the US and EU as well. I’m not sure how many people are using Origin but if you aren’t and are using Steam exclusively then you’re crazy, especially since Origin also has some nice specials such monthly and randomly free titles for example and they are the only play to get exclusive EA titles.
For more information regarding this change, head on over to
Your turn Valve! Will you also allow refunds on Steam?
Source: EA